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Old 01-26-2011, 12:10 PM   #10
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 754
^It is bad, no denying. If we hadn't fought tooth and nail, we would have lost all of La Jolla. That didn't happen.

Here's the deal. When and if this goes into effect, the north-south reserve line will be pushed out to the point. From there, you can fish south to the end of Windnsea and north and west as far as you want. Going north is a thing of the past unless all you're after is bait or you don't mind paddling up to the Glider Port.

Look at the La Jolla overview map. I'm taking about that big open space between the two MPA clusters (that last word is SO appropriate).

I don't mean to undersell the impact, which is huge. BUT - it is just plain wrong to say all of La Jolla is going, going, gone. We retain access to the most popular sections. I can't tell you how much effort that took, into the 1,000s of man hours from the hardcore at of BWE, Baytubers, KSF, etc.

That isn't good enough to me, so I support the Ocean Access Protection Fund - a legal war chest for anglers. You should too.

Don't forget Keep America Fishing either, another worthy place to send money to battle this thing.
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