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Old 01-21-2011, 02:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jimmyz123 View Post
My view of this site is that people who are new to Kayak fishing can bounce questions off those who have been doing it for years to gain knowledge. There are those out there that don't like to give up information because they feel they found a spot and don't want someone else to invade that spot.
I think you hit the nail on the head there. Some people like to share info others do not, and then there is always the question of what you can share.

My take is as long as you are not giving info on a bite in progress, gps numbers, or lobster stones, why not give what you can.

I've been fishing for a long time, and there comes a point where you realize there are no secret spots, that people have been fishing the same areas for decades. It's like Long Beach. That deep hole to the west of the north island has been there ever since the dredged it. It's not anything new.

It's weird how people act about these things on the web. BKR is a prime example. People have fished Big Kelp reef for hundreds if not thousands of years as the Indians used to fish there before the white man even came here. All the Private boaters at MDR know about it but accept for a few hard core they don't usually fish it because it's a long boat ride, but for a while if you even mentioned BKR online some of the Malibu Kayakers would blow there tops and act like you were going to somehow ruin the fishing there by letting the secret out of the bag.

So then the MLPA process comes around and these same guys are like: "Don't tell anyone about BKR" but of course the enviros knew it was there because of the persistent kelp and went after it anyway. So we eneded up with a situation where the enviros went after it and we could not mobilize enough support in the fishing community to stop them.

Yep BKR was such a well kept secret that soon we won't be able to fish it at all.

I guess it's all how you look at it but my attitude is share what you can, and if people don't like it they don't have to read it.

Hey half the time no-one listens anyway so it's usually not usually that big of a deal.... LOL

Just my take, Jim
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