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Old 01-21-2011, 05:20 AM   #4
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by dxrat View Post
. So keep telling yourself Long Beach is cleaner.
It's like arguing which side of the toilet is cleaner

I like the areas I described based on experience: the bottom is usually more sandy there so you can fish baits tighter to the bottom, and honestly I've found better bites there especially on spawning fish. It's a personal preference, based on how I like to rig, and fish caught. I've always figured there was more sand on the Long beach side do to the river.

Like I already posted I used to fish there but hardly hit it anymore. I'm not expert on it though I know guys that know that area like the back of thier hand. I have plenty of options to fish other fish in much cleaner water, so it's really no skin off my back either way. I was just trying to give the guys a heads up on where they might find some fish on the Long Beach side.

Hey I've been meaning to ask you: Are you the same Dockrat that got banned at Allcoast and still posts at FNN?

If so I had no idea you were into kayaking.

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