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Old 01-09-2011, 04:33 PM   #32
Kayak Rookie
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 18
Kayak Classes at South Western College

Kind of late to the party on this one but, when I first thought about kayaking I found that SW had classes out on the strand on the bay side. They cover a lot of safety concerns and you get to dump you kayak and get back in. Heck we even practiced switching places in a double.

They covered attempting to get into your yak. If you dump, the simple thing to do is place your kayak on your side facing in to the wind if it squirts away from you the wind will push it back... versus you trying to catch up to it.

Loose a paddle you just turned your yak in to a surf board, on your belly and start paddling with your arms....and more. Safety was always stressed. You would be surprised how may people have no idea how to get back in to their kayak.....Classes are cheap you get to paddle all around the bay, build up some indurance, and figure out if you like it or not. After class I would sit over on the ocean side and watch the kids trying to learn how to surf.... one new thing at a time.

Hope this helps.
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