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Old 12-21-2010, 09:36 PM   #10
Olivenhain Bob
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I expect that there will be a lot of sifting and shifting that goes one before we have to raise the angry banner of defiance on this issue. First there will be the legal challenges. If we lose that battle, there will be issue of enforcement. Is an unenforced regulation really a regulation. The 55 mph speed limit comes to mind.

Politicians will come and go before this thing gets sorted out. We can help influence who is in power when things really come to a head. The next few years will be an important time to make sure that we all make intelligent and well informed choices when we visit the ballot box.

While I am disappointed that a corrupt commission that does not represent the will of the people has issued this bogus decree, I do not believe that it will survive the challenges that have been mounted against it.

If I am wrong, and this thing really becomes law, you will surely see me in the fleet of defiant fishers who test the will of those who will try to make these proposed regulations stick. If I were a betting man, I would put my money on our side.

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