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Old 12-20-2010, 10:51 AM   #5
Riskey Water
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: On the water ofcourse
Posts: 142
When I lived in OB I did alot of estate sales looking for the OLD TIMERS gear ,most of the time the fishing stuff would be a lump sum purchase .Being the fishing junkie I am ,came out with a load of beat up stuff but beautiful in my eyes.One reel still had SILK line on it from days gone-bye .To Me its not so much the resale value of these items but the history and adventure of these WATERMEN that did what they did with what they had for their day .Unfortunately estate sales mean that these forerunners to our day have passed and I can only consider myself the caretaker of their memories.Wish I could have sat with them over a bottle of their choice and sit and listen to the adventures of youth and prime on those pristine and open waters of their day.May You All share your memories and past to the young and find the Grasshopper to bestow the Greatness of fishing Upon
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