Thread: Kayak Anchors
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Old 11-24-2010, 10:33 PM   #7
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jimmyz123 View Post
O.K. logic tells me that a Kayak anchor can have its + and -. First thing that comes to mind is it will keep you in one place, but with that what happens if it gets stuck? Being in a Kayak you don't much leverage should it get really stuck on something. Here's my question Do you all like or dislike anchors on Kayaks?

It depends on the anchor.

Like most I bought once a small anchor with 1/4 inch rope and quickly found it was overkill and almost impossible to free if hung up. I still have the anchor but now I use it for a second anchor on my skiff.

I've since made a small stainless weighted grapple style anchor made of 1/8 stock, that I use on a downrigger like rig I created that uses scotty mount and 100 pound spectra instead of rope. That one holds great but when it gets stuck I can still pull it by straightening the hooks on the grapple.

I don't use it much (mostly for freshwater) but it's quick to deploy and retrieve and works great. Maybe I'll post some pics later.

Bottom line even in the worst wind you do not need a lot of holding power to stop a kayak from drifting, most anchors are overkill, and whatever you use think about how you can get it back up if it get's hung.

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