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Old 11-11-2010, 05:31 PM   #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 552
Risky, I got injured pretty bad a few short years ago. I took a short break off of yaking (amongst other things), and slowly started getting back into it; I discovered that it was a bit early for me to be out there yaking. I went through times when both my legs would go numb and upon landing, I couldn't use my legs for a minute or two; luckly for me, I wasn't alone, and I always let the person(s) I was with know that I would be needing some assistance upon landing. I got that weird tingling feeling as I began to gain use of my legs again, it would subside after a while. After several months of that, I took another break from most everything for a few months; it seems to have done the trick, and I back at most everything (with some limitations). But I do have to constantly adjust my position on the yak, bend my knees, straighten my knees, through my feet over the side... Just keep at it at a pace that's good for you.

As for the E-volve, the only thing I know is that it looks cool; but that doesn't mean it's practical. But if you do get one, please let us know what you think of it.
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