Thread: lj 7-11 am
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Old 07-11-2006, 08:45 PM   #11
Ryan The Sealion
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Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie
Yeah, it was quite the crowd for a weekday. Glad to see your friend Casey nailed a nice one, considering the size of the others we saw landed.
Our day went like this:
We made greenies at 4:00AM at the pier. Started fishing at grey light. We only had about a half dozen hits. But, Julie managed an 11 lb yellow on the fly-lined greenie, lost a nice bonie next to the yak (doh!), and on the way in picked up a rat (3 lb) yellow on a yozuri plug which was C&R'd. Aaron nailed a 6 lb barracuda, released, and picked up a 4 lb bonito, kept for tomorrow's dinner.
Not wide open, but there's fish to be had.
goddamn you guys get yellows every time :shock: did u get a pic of the 3# :lol: haven't seen one that small in a while...

there is a ton of fish there right now, but those suckers are full or somethin.. maybe feedin on all that pinhead bait at night..?? I thought I just sucked when I had so many chances at those puddlers today, but when they wouldn't touch a mack on flouro it made me feel a little better...
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