Thread: Squid boats !!!
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Old 10-28-2010, 11:01 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by bob View Post
I sure caused what I was hoping for. The plastic army is sure funny. You got played. This is a chess match. Ha Ha. It has to do with money. You guys are so far off of what I am doing. Who is to say I dont have something to gain from that post. When you make money from the ocean You learn how to fish. I have added internet fishing to my tackle box. Competition sucks... so does pay back. You are a small fish in a big sea.

I am a glowing green boat... hint hint
I'm reminded of an old line from the Diceman "Are your names Neal and Bob, or is that like, what you do?"

I have hit LJ twice, once for the KFACA, once for the Moyer. No love other than a few macs and calico. I'm way up in LA. it's a 3 hour ride for me, and yes, I've been tipped off a few times but can't make the journey. Wish I could fish it more, but family, job, etc. Oh well. It's the crown jewel of kayak fishing. I should make the time though.

I've fought all along the way against the mlpa shit with these guys and to a man, they're the best people in the world. "playing them" is pure bullshit. you have no idea what could have happened to them, that their entire fishery was threatened. as it is, they're still getting screwed, but at least they salvaged something. whatever you have to gain is simply indulging your selfishness and is about as juvenile and stupid as can be. for money? what, you get $50 from your blue shirt friends to rub salt in our wounds?

as for hookup, my advice is "hookup" with "bob" and well, y'all can probably figure it out

I "lurk" mostly because well, I like to see them score the big fish and I can live a little through them. I got nothing but love and respect for the guys down there that can hit the water and make it happen, and only wish I lived closer.
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