Thread: Squid boats !!!
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Old 10-27-2010, 07:22 PM   #8
Olivenhain Bob
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While I strongly agree with Gino and Josh that the only way to be consistently successful is to spend a bunch of time on the water, for many of us, this is simply not possible. Other obligations get in the way of our passion for this activity, forcing many of us to become part-time players. It is what it is.

Should the guys who put the time in and know all the secrets have an obligation to share with others who only show up occasionally? I don't think so. These guys have worked very hard to learn what they know.

On the other hand, I remember when I was first getting started how generous everyone seemed to be with advice and help. For whatever reasons, we have become a less generous and less inclusive community recently. I understand why some may want to keep things a bit close to the vest. Still, I miss the the way it was a while back.

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