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Old 10-21-2010, 10:22 PM   #5
Billy V
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This was posted on Bloody Decks MLPA link. Its a small excerpt form the post.

Sutton believes the total cost of the entire MLPA network of closures will come in around $11 million a year for enforcement, public outreach and monitoring. He believes that because the Blue Ribbon Task Force told him so.

Richards said the cost is $40 million a year because the Department of Fish and Game told him and the other commissioners so.

Sutton calls it a “$40 million myth.”

Sutton said Wednesday that all will be well with the environmental world once Proposition 21 passes and there’s plenty of money for the MLPA.

For those of us who wondered why we should vote yes or no on Proposition 21, an $18 car tax to fund state parks, Sutton gave many of us another reason not to do vote for it.

According to the breakdown of the “allocation” of $500 million raised yearly from the $18 car tax Californians will have to pay on each vehicle we own, approximately $35 million a year will go to the DFG for management and operation of lands. Another $20 million goes to the Ocean Protection Council, $10 million to state land conservancies and $10 million to the Wildlife Conservation Fund. State parks will get $375 million a year, urban river parkways another $20 million and $25 million to local agencies for “lost fee revenue.”

Notice none of that money is earmarked for the MLPA, but Sutton and his environmental backers know they can poach from one or most of those groups’ share of the tax to pay for the yearly cost of the marine protected areas.

Richards was the only commissioner to refuse to endorse Proposition 21 when the groups backing it presented it to the commission. Even commission president Jim Kellogg, usually an ally of sportsman-conservation groups and common sense, endorsed it.

Richards was asked Wednesday about all the various preservation and conservation groups that since have endorsed the car tax that is all dressed up as a proposition to save state parks.

“It’s just another example of people not paying attention to what’s really going on,” he said.

Richards has been paying attention. He’s truly the only commissioner on California's Fish and Game panel who is in the real world. Kellogg has moments, but Richards is all-in as far as keeping it real.
Heres a little More...

FYI: The wording within prop 21 which will make it easy to utilize funds for MPA "management." IMO, there is no question that monies generated from this prop will be utilized for MPA's.

(b) Seven percent shall be available for appropriation from the fund to the Department of Fish and Game for the management and operation of wildlife refuges, ecological reserves, and other lands owned or managed by the Department of Fish and Game for wildlife conservation.(c) Four percent shall be available for appropriation from the fund to the Ocean Protection Council for marine wildlife conservation and the protection of coastal waters, with first priority given to the development, operation, management, and monitoring of marine protected areas.
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