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Old 10-21-2010, 03:07 PM   #28
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 520
All those bused in kids had no reason to be there. And even more so they had no right to speak at all.
Most of those kids care more about Glee, Pop Tarts, Spoungebob, Vampire books, and thats after you have pryed there fingers off there Xbox controller...

There is nothing those kids said that either:
A. made sense
B. someone already didnt know
C. was anything but complete bullshit

It was a complete waste of our time. The MLPA comissions time, and complete waste of tax dollars on many levels

No matter what you say or how you act, the Kids will be returning back to there Teachers classrooms today, and tomorrow and they are going to be told that fisherman are mean.

Maybe the teachers will hit them with a little Joy Bayhard "The fisherman are against children"

Fisherman use bombs...

Maybe they watch some Whale Wars episodes in class... Or even have a PETA guest speaker visit the class.

You folks got to really go after the schools. The Teachers, and even the School District who was making gross acusations.
(Your not going to get Teachers Fired, trust me the Union wont allow any of that...)

But if you put the pressure up on the school principles, your going to put a stop to these field trips. You have to call screaming, yelling, and waving your hands. anything else will be ignored.
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