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Old 10-21-2010, 06:41 AM   #138
Olivenhain Bob
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Commissioner Richards in his typical sly way brought up a point that I had not considered before. He mentioned that of the seven significant areas in southern California that contain a lot of structure, all seven are to be closed or partially closed. Proponents are constantly saying that the MLPA leaves open for fishing, nearly 90% of California's coastline. That may be true but most of the unprotected areas that they generously leave to us do not harbor many fish.

Someone should come up with a new analysis that shows the percentage of high quality fishing grounds that the MLPA wants to take. I bet the number rises significantly from the 14% of so that the currently claim. I suspect that the true number ends up to be more like 60%, maybe more.

Was anyone else a little confused by the graphic that one of the Commissioners put up on the screen with a bunch of black dots showing, "every place in California where fish have been reported to have been caught" ? It seemed interesting to me that there were no reported catches in La Jolla, or any of the other areas targeted for closure. I guess Josh has not reported in.

How dumb to they think the public is?

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