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Old 10-20-2010, 04:53 PM   #123
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wada circus. Yeah, kids and their "save our coral reefs" cry in these final hours were really the best reflection how distorted and manipulated this whole process is. Mr. Richards asking pretty basic question, to be reminded on % of deep rock reefs addressed, and no one really knowing the answer was pretty funny too! It shows you how much they're really into it. It's one thing that good number of ordinary folks can't put their mind around this whole MLPA process and where it is right now - these folks have been hired to administer the process. They ought to be familiar with key points, despite how complicated and diluted at the same they made it.

It sux when you are fighting a war and you know you are bound to loose, you're just trying to contain your loses and keep chugging on. That's what we seem to be doing. We're still biting, great show, despite the bussed in kids I think we were there in greater numbers.

Lot's of DFG there. It's cool when you pick up the vibe from the wardens they are on our team. Hear that Wade?
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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