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Old 10-17-2010, 04:44 PM   #22
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Jim, I think my point was that I believe others are killing far more than their far share, so I feel bad about keeping anything that could instead be released. I understand that there are a lot of people that are big on conservation but that doesn't put fish back into the ocean.

And yes good point about the sportboats. They needlessly leave a wake of destruction. Going rockfishing on one of those boats is just insane. They try to prevent you from using anything but the smallest baits. Then they just kill hundreds and hundreds of baby rockfish day in and day out for a much smaller amount of keepers.

Science shows that these fish can be safely released with very little effort on their part, but they only care about the $$$ and of course are very well represented with lobbyists, lawyers, industry trade groups etc to be able to continue their unsustainable practices.

Originally Posted by T Bone View Post
people are trying to blame humboldt squid!

Wow that is insane. Reminds me of a certain country which blames certain cetaceans for the decline in their fisheries.

Also another reason not to eat a shark... you know the taxman is never too far from you
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