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Old 10-13-2010, 11:45 PM   #1
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Posts: 167
Just an update.

Thanks all for the inputs. We all read them and discuss them and try to find solutions all the time from your feedback so it's mucho appreciated.

The Watermen's Alliance will have a table, and that's where you can find me (joe--zenspearo). Everyone will have name tags but the key organizers for ceding time and speaker coordination will be easy to recognize, due to what they will wear (trust me on this point--we took your feedback that it was hard to find the key people at past meetings).

Funny story: At one of our meetings last year, some guy came up and asked for six speaker cards to have more time to speak. Tried to sound convincing too. I didn't buy it and somebody eventually "outed" that person as some nut case from the close-it-all side.

This is an open forum and we can't openly discuss in advance speaking points, what we wear (because you bet some joker is going to wear the same and try to collect speaker cards from some first-timer fisherman attendee), etc.. But on the day at the venue, the information will be clearly posted, speaking points will be printed, copied, and made available, and the organizers will be distinctive in what they wear so if you have time card to give, need speaking point, or need time, you can easily find someone who can help.

Thanks so much for participating in this critical push. Happy paddling and tight lines.
A spearo, but we are in this MLPA mess together
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