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Old 10-07-2010, 01:45 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by maui jim View Post
Somehow I dont think you are the only one who thinks about that ....I have set nets near them.
Lobster traps deplete the areas around them of bugs because they operate 24-7. I mean think about it..... how is a thirty minute hoop set going to compete with a baited cage that is there 24 hours a day.

After a few days the amount of bugs legal around traps drops to almost nothing. Even if only one bug finds that trap every four hours, it's still going to be full of lobsters in a few days., In contrast one legal finding your net in four hours is a slow night.

I'd say your far better off hooping or diving well away from them if possible.

One more thing though it's not illegal to dive around traps it's not legal to touch them in any manner. The DFG likes to seed traps with bugs that are just undersized and marked in areas where divers frequent. If they catch you with one of those bugs your doubly busted, as they will say not only is it a short but you raided a trap. Keep in mind that the commercials cull their catches on the spot so all their discarded bugs end up in the same area, and they are all shorts, including those marked by the DFG..

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