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Old 09-30-2010, 02:09 PM   #3
Olivenhain Bob
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So what is next? In addition to trying to deny the access to public fishing waters will they lobby to force the end to all development, (causes erosion) and agriculture, (fertilizers and pesticides). What about banning off road travel such as hiking and mountain biking, (more erosion) or swimming in lakes, streams and at the beaches, (bacterial contamination from water contact with human skin.)

If they are successful there, maybe they will go after other dangerous activities that can pollute the ocean. Let's see, driving a car or truck leaves behind rubber, brake dust, oil and of course the acid rain caused by smog. Then there are all those pesky toilets that discharge harmful pollutants into the oceans. What about our military. They are always running around in their big polluting ships or flying their jets and helicopters around spreading more pollution. Maybe the Defenders of Wildlife will suggest that we shut down all of those activities as well.

Obviously, what I am suggesting is just too silly to worry about, right? No one would go that far overboard. Or maybe they would.

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