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Old 09-23-2010, 11:32 PM   #27
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 103
Terrorists are people that kill innocents for political reasons, not people with whom you have a policy disagreement. Do you guys remember 9/11, the sniper shootings, subway gas attack in japan, suicide bombings in Israel etc?

Did these environmentalists ever kill anyone here in california during the MLPA process? Did they even try? If so I will reconsider.

Now that you have dehumanized these people and deemed them "terrorists". What are you going to do to them if your favorite fishing spot is closed? Go on a killing spree because they are "terrorists" and therefore fair game? That will sure show them who the terrorist is!

By your criteria I could call people who are advocating for insurance companies to be able to deny health care to children "terrorists". Or people who are advocating for apartheid against homosexuals, immigrants etc "terrorists". These sorts of people have used the same tactics which you describe. Those are in my opinion much more damaging views than wanting to disrupt my hobby.

But I would not, they are simply people with whom I have a policy disagreement.
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