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Old 09-17-2010, 03:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Gino View Post
. I used to use the sabiki rod, and i liked it alot, but i missed soem soft biters smelts and such due to the stiffness of the rod.
No doubt. The reason I use higher test rigs is a sabiki rod is so stiff you can break off light line before you hardly know your bit. I also fish it with a 2 ounce chrome sinker or at times a squid jig on the end to get down fast for squid. Nothing subtle there, and they are not that fun to fish with, but the trade off is the get the things out of the way.

I hear you on the smelt as well, they swarm the mustads but they don't eat them very well unless you tip them with squid etc. Especially small smelt like those at Pedro. When bait is finicky the Haybusa's will definitely outfish the mustads. If I had a better reel with a better drag on my rod I might use them more often. I got a old ABU 5000 on my rod and it just trashes them.

A while back one of my Marlin buddies lent me a Korean sabiki version that was pink and gold and it kicked ass. Thing must of lasted me ten trips, a little bigger then I like, but killer on macks but I have no idea who makes them.

My take is there is more then one way to skin this catfish. Whatever works is good

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