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Old 09-09-2010, 07:28 AM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: La Jolla
Posts: 189
Coulda been you were hooking up macks, then something bigger was eating them right off the sabiki, hooks, lines and all.

Depending on how deep you were, there's a lot of toothy little critters down there!

If you've ever watched your sabiki in shallow enough (or clear) water to see what's happening, when the bait finds it, they begin to school, likely due to the feeding behaviors caused by one or two other macks. They kinda frenzy around your sabiki, like yellows do to a bait ball.

This in turn will look like a tasty little bait ball to a bigger hungry fishy.

This is one reason a lot of people hang an iron as the weight on the bottom of their sabiki, because a lot of times a big fish will attack the schooling little guys around your line, and you've got a chance to pull up a big fish on the bottom of the sabiki.
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