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Old 08-26-2010, 12:47 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by WahooUSMA View Post
This thread originally started off as a very informative, then went sideways for a moment, but has since circled back on track. I used to manage the logistic operations for El Dorado Ranch in San Felipe and made the trek weekly from our offices in Costa Mesa & Calexico to San Felipe, so I know the roads, check points, speed traps, police, etc. very well. In fact, our business partner in Mexico– La Ventana, owns the police station as well as the Red Lobster in San Felipe. Overall, this thread has provided some great tips and advice. Best so far has been by The Darkhorse, Scallywag, and Wavster – sum it up “fly below the radar and keep a low profile”. That said, I definitely think you need to have situational awareness when traveling anywhere in BC.

I once had an employee who forgot to declare a $1200 main valve (my bad) for the golf course when he crossed and ended up spending the weekend in jail. The Mx. authorities fined our company 15k, had to have our Mexican attorney represent us, which cost us an arm and leg, and in the end, they took his new truck. The alternative to paying them off was that they would shut our operation down while they conducted an importation/customs audit. And as a kicker, I shit you not; we would later see the police driving his truck around Mexicali – so brazen! Hence, I then started driving our company's mechanically sound, but cosmetically destroyed piece of shit Dodge truck when crossing for fear of getting jacked for my personal truck, which I would leave in the states.

On another note, we went to San Quintin last November and crossed at the POE in TJ. Not that I ever felt unsafe, but I just won’t cross there again, for many reasons! Any further trips to BC, I’ll cross in Mexicali and take the longer way via hwy 2, or Hwy 3 and cross over. I don’t care if it adds time to the drive.

One thing I would mention – when filling up your truck or car, make certain the attendant resets the pump before he starts pumping. Big rip-off!

Overall, BC is a nice place with neat people, beautiful beaches, great fishing and so far, hasn’t been too affected by the cartel. Now mainland Mexico is another thing – that place is a goatfuck. Cartel are now using terrorist style tactics/weapons i.e., grenades and VBIED’s (veh borne IED).

Hey “Boogie”. F-You! I took your military comments personally!

Enough with the mexican guard bashing! The mex military is the best there is!! Here is an example and bottom line.

developed guard vs mexican guard LOL!!!

play video.

mr moderator, please kill this thread now!

Last edited by driftwood; 08-27-2010 at 05:49 AM.
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