Thread: got my
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Old 08-24-2010, 03:56 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2009
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DFG or DFG commission?

Nice Fish !!!! the first pic says it all !!! STOKED !!!

and you, Pot stirrer!!! know that "if its not illegal than it must be OK" mentality is BS...that mentality is what got us where we are today. Do you really rely on your state and federal legislators to make all your decisions in you want them to?

Kill or Release ? you have the FREEDOM to choose....enjoy it while you can and use your best judgement because people like the "it's not illegal" guy are fighting hard to dictate how/when and where you take a piss.

also, I believe the DFG commission is the one who sets the take/limit rules, exc...the same commission that is about ready to admit that they failed at managing california's fisheries by voting to implement the most extreme MPA maps. I've been to one commission meeting where there was a small group of guys (who have been at this for years now) trying to get shark size and take limits implemented, but as usual the commercial long line/gill net lobbiest's effectively plugged the commissioners ears. Make no mistake, the commissioners votes will go to the highest bidder. those guys.
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