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Old 07-24-2010, 01:18 AM   #14
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 40

didn't state how many fish i have caught, nor did i allude to being in ANY way a master fisherman...i would say that is a bad interpretation of a pm asking for suggestions on settings for a ff

i understood your opinion on getting a 728 and also stated that i was genuinely thankful for such a speedy response (check your pm)..but no need to state over and over again that the 718 is trash...i apologize..not everybody's got cushy jobs ( spoke of arrogance?) ...if you dont wanna share your settings..thats okey dokey...just say that they are private...

"finally" :

what would the logic be to upgrade my ff if i didnt think that seeing the fish was key? dont quote my words out of context as well as with the wrong intention...this isn't a war....i asked your opinion...appreciated it...and asked for your settings...responses that lack an answer to the question as well as insult are going to be met with "arrogance"

i DO NOT know as much as you do (as previously stated), but my opinion is that logically, you are incorrect.....i VERY WELL may be wrong (as previously stated), but i would like the best chance of seeing these fish, and (as previously stated) if i cannot i WILL upgrade to the 728 (your suggestion)

so just'll all be allright
what difference does it make

its not like there's fish in la jolla anyways....right?
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