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Old 07-23-2010, 10:25 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
What Language Should I Use So You Can Understand?


You asked for it, so here goes:

Turbidity is defined to be
--not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like; clouded; opaque; obscured: the turbid waters near the waterfall.

That definition is found in any English Dictionary. I thought I was helping
you with Fishing, not English.

So you believe that if you can see a jig at 150', you therefore can
see a fish too. A jig, my friend, shows up, even with an under powered FF like the 718, as a small cluster of dots, just like small macks do. But when
a big fish shows up under that piss poor 718, it will look like a cluster of jigs or a cluster of small macks. Then it will be up to you to figure out what's under your kayak. And while you're doing that, another opportunity will pass you by...

By the way, why do you need to see arcs in your FF anyway? According to your pm to me, "seeing fish isn't key" but rather trolling
a mack 100 yards behind you is. So what would you do if you could see arcs on your FF while you're trolling a mack a 100 yards behind you. Ask the arcs to stay put while you reel in your 100 yards of line so you could finally present your bait to the arcs? Do you know why experienced kayakfishermen carry knives? To cut off thoughtless fisherman who troll their lines too far back. Trolling a live mack is the only way to catch fish? Funny, this year alone, I've seen over 100 yellowtail and WSB caught by people not trolling a thing.

And just one more thing about your last pm to me. You mentioned that although you're sort of a newbie, you've caught more fish in one month than most La Jolla Kayakfishermen catch in a year.

I enjoy helping newbies out. Even when I have to go over the same stuff multiple times. It just the arrogant ones I try to avoid.
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