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Old 07-23-2010, 07:18 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
MVC (name?),

I remember the 728 is compatible with an external GPS.
As far as my settings, it just depends.

Here's a few things I do:
Be willing to experiment with the settings since even the
water's turbidity can effect your ff along with other factors.
So don't think that once you've set them, you'll never touch
them again.

If I'm looking for bait, I increase the sensitivity, or gain.
If I'm just looking for big fish, I decrease the sensitivity.

Learn to fish with your dual sonar screen since the narrower beam
screen gives you greater detail. Which will show the arcs better.

Learn to recognize what arcs really look like. Since only under
unachievable perfect conditions, will you get perfect arcs. This is because the surface isn't perfectly flat, your kayak isn't perfectly still, etc. Therefore the arcs are distorted, but the 728 will show them. Sometimes as half or paritial arcs.

But here's what you really need to do. Get yourself where there are
fish. Then look at your FF. But be sure your over fish, like when
there's people hooking up around you, or even when you are hooked
up. And here's another way, fish with someone with a super-duper
FF who's knows there are fish around and can see arcs under his kayak.
Then look for the arcs.

Here's an example. I was fishing with the Kid. A super fisherman with tons of experience and a great FF. He told me there was a mark under him, so I looked at my FF and saw a long thin squiggly line near the bottom. I thought to myself, that can't be a mark. Next thing I know, he's hooked up. Now I know what a lone single big fish mark looks like on my unit.

Be patient, it took me 4-5 outings before I recognized my arcs. But have
faith, your ff will show them.
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