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Old 07-22-2010, 12:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
You may have heard the rumor... there are no fish in La Jolla. I can attest to that based on my last visit. Unless you like catching bait, fishing has been very slow for most of us mortals.

Josh, it's time for your monthly report that gives us all hope.


I don't kiss and tell much these days, Bob. And like you said, we all know, there's no fish in La Jolla!

That said, since you asked nicely, you might remember this guy behind me when you were out last time. The guy who had custom wrapped, Seeker and Calstar rods with the Accurate and Trinidad to match.

You know, the guy who's never fished La Jolla before off a kayak? This is one of his two that day! He may not have fished off a kayak before, but when he hooked up---he put the wood to these fish!
A word for the wise: there's still plenty of squid in La Jolla. This might require a decent sonar and a basic knowledge of the area, though. The current has been going uphill for days, with tons of crap and grass on the surface, in ugly green water where most kayakers fish. Not to mention, someone needs to put a few more tokens in the sun machine---June gloom turned into July gloom---August gloom?

My advice: get out early enough to make squid and while you're there, drop some down and fish. Make squid like it's your job and, well, get the hell out of there if nothing happens after a few hours. The ocean is BIG, forget about The Condo and go looking elsewhere. There just might be fish there---and if you find the fish with a tank full of candy .

I guess I don't have to write a monthly post now---good luck to all!

Besides, who goes fishing when there's a firing South swell? Not me!
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