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Old 06-14-2010, 08:24 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Donfish View Post
I was a fan of the S12 and was considering going to one from my eXtreme but after doing cat in Total fubar and swamping alot then to find only about 1 1/2 gal spread through the 15'X 31" frame I'm happy to still own it and be here to brag about the performance. Its not fast its not cute but it hauls my ass around and stays upright in 7-9' seas @ 10 sec.
you forgot to add in 20+ knt winds with gusts over 25

I'm not an expert by ay means regarding kayaks and all the technicals and such. I'm a buck seventy five, and started on a fish n dive, moved to a prowler13, then currently the trident 15. So for the most part, I've paddled kayaks that I'm relatively light for or at most, middle of the road. plus, I rarely if ever use a bait tank and go pretty light on gear anyways.

the prowler was a pretty wet ride all things considered, but it's got all of one small round center hatch, and it seals pretty well (actually the 13 has a molded in bucket and technically can't leak inside, but I cut the bucket out to allow me to store rods through the front). and I never open it on the water.

and on that trip, a trident 13 got swamped. my guess, and again, this is a guess, is that it is probably more a weight issue with the water. I sit higher (no not ) on the water and don't take nearly as much water over the sides. and when I do it drains faster.

if water leakage is a problem, a simple drop of goop on all the rivet holes would go a long ways towards fixing it. I doubt that the manufacturers have the time to goop every rivet on the hatches. and I guess going for a smaller kayak, which is nicer at times for sure, is not always a good decision.

gooping would be a quick and effective, not to mention cheap, solution. it does seem something they ought to do perhaps, but then again, all things considered, the conditions we fish in, and what we do with our kayaks, is probably a small percentage of their customer base. so should everyone pay a higher price for our small percentage needs? (damn, why'd I major in economics!!!) .
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