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Old 05-30-2006, 07:09 PM   #1
Iceman's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: 1-2 miles off the point
Posts: 6,943
5/30 Point Loma: Muy Bonita

Cris and I took a wrong turn and missed the monster croakers We launched from Mariners Point and headed out to the Point Loma kelp. Cris was hootin and hollering holding up calicos while I tryed to find some bait. We picked away at spanish and fed them all to the bonito. Most times they would do a driveby, clicker scream and drop. Slowly reeling in, they would get hit again and sometimes stick. My first one got really big as a sealion that I did not see, grabbed mine and took off. He won that one and threw it around for 15 minutes tearing it to bits. The next one for me was bounced on board as another sealion made an attempt to get this one. By then the sporties were out to relieve us of the catfood eating dogs. I could not get anything going on the rubber or metal and bait was tough, picking one up here and there, all spanish for me. Perfect weather out there. We ended up with about a 5 mile paddle in against some current and landed around noon. Cris ended the morning with the biggest fish, 9 1/2 pounder that was fun to watch, trying to wrap the rod around his yak. I had not fished Pt Loma in too long and enjoyed a little different shoreline for a change. Cris, Good fishing with ya!

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