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Old 05-08-2010, 08:07 AM   #1
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I usually don't fish on fridays, kind of a superstitious thing, but it seems that everytime i go out fishing on fridays i have bad luck. I lose gear, have a terrible time on the water, etc, etc.... I decided to try to change my friday blues yesterday by going out to fish the incoming tide in the afternoon.

got to the launch unloaded all my gear and found that the top to my battery box for the fishfinder was missing, not sure how this could of happened because tuesday it was in there and I hadn't opened the hatch since then. As soon as I park my carI feel a sharp pain in my forearm, look down and see a bee had just stung me! first time i had ever been stung so i was worried about finding out if i was allergic to bee's while out on the water, i felt fine so decided to try my luck.

got out on the water, made a couple spanish macks but the smelt where the only thing biting the sabiki, loaded up the bait tank with smelt and hit the kelp, the two spanish macks i had tangled themselves in the kelp real quick and were lost when i played tug of war with them, but every smelt i put on had no problem with the kelp at all. fished the kelp for 4 hours, saw barracuda, small yellows and one large WSB that was so close to the yak that it could of been dinner if i had a spear gun. the only thing i caught was a buzz from the beers i took out with me, besides the early mishaps it was a nice day on the water overall....
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