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Old 05-21-2006, 12:56 PM   #1
Mickey & Mallory
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5
La Jolla Kayak Kelp Dive 5-21-06

Decided to do a little diving after 15+ days in a rod of looking for White Sea Bass for nada... Ken, I know I missed last Friday... :roll: But I was out a lot, and wanted to see what was going on underneath the water, near the kelps... Below some Zodiak divers were heading out as we set up...

I brought along my brother a Dive Master, and girlfriend a tropical water diver :P

I got into the water, dropped 15-20 near a kelp strand and tied off, water was instantly cold at 20 in the thermocline...BRRRR!!!

Mallory was having problems with her BC, so decided to stay with the kayaks. My brother and Headed down...

Vis 20-35 feet

Max Depth: 55 Ft

Dive time 35 mins (didn't want to leave Mallory for too long, she was being a good sport.) 8)

Fish: Male, and Female Sheepshead, Calico Bass, Sand Bass, Lobsters, big Sheep crab, Sea slugs, Garibaldi, sugar/johnny bass, Sea Stars

Kelp Report: Sparse, a few stringers spread out. Look sickly... The bottom was a moving kelp cemetary of leaves. Many roots spread out with out stalks, looked like giant ant hills. I was actually a little worried about finding a place to anchor.

Mallory with a during the paddle in...

All in a all a good time, my brother was complaining a little about setting up he kayaks at first, but after the dive, he said there was a lot to see and worth it!

Can't wait until lobster season, screw the hoop nets... :twisted:

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