Thread: WSB - May 1
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Old 05-02-2010, 01:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 25
WSB - May 1

So I woke up Saturday morning, got a few hours work done, and decided it was nice enough to try to get out there for the dusk fish. I ended up at the launch at 5, past the reserve at 530, and only 2 hours to go until sundown at 730. It was rough getting past the surf, and the wind was pretty strong. Luckily, I made bait in less than 15 minutes, and threw on a nice tasty mack.. Trolled around outside the kelp beds for the next two hours, and did not see a single other kayaker the entire time out. The only action I saw was a guy in a sailboat who was yelling at the top of his lungs about the two big yellowtails he had just caught, trolling with a jointed rapala. So, I'm thinking today is my day for my first YT. I would settle for anything at this point - my freezer was getting pretty empty.

Sun goes down at 7:30, and while I'm rigging my gear for the surf landing I thought I got hooked up in the kelp again. Nope. 20 mins later, I've got a delicious bass in my yak, and 2 hours after that, I'm panfrying with butter and onion. The strange thing was, it's stomach was COMPLETELY EMPTY. I thought that bigger fish like this need to be continually feeding; I expected to find squid, macks/sardines/... heck even a license plate would fit in! Long story short, this guy was HUNGRY...

Next time hopefully there'll be someone else out there to take my pic on the water - would have been nice to get a shot with this guy on my lap! Oh well, next time! 49#, 52". My first WSB - but definitely not my last!! It was fun catching it, but will be more fun eating it!!

PS - richard - if you're on here thanks for the tip on the powerpro. Made life a lot easier.
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