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Old 04-29-2010, 06:59 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 175
2.5 day mothership trip

Hello All,

So I was slotted to go on the western outdoors news mothership trip this weekend. Yeah I know, sorry OEX. but the first mothership trip i went on with WON 3 years ago, I walked away with a rod/reel combo from okuma as well as a wilderness systems tarpon 140. Needless to say, i feel a little obligated to be loyal and have been on their charters since. Plus they are a good group of guys.

Anyways, this weekend's trip was cancelled due to weather which has me thoroughly bummed. I've been counting the days to this one. They rescheduled for the end of May but I'm at a conference so can't make it. Had to get a refund.

So I decided to find the silver lining in this cloud... I'm booked every weekend through June except for one weekend...Turns out that weekend corresponds with the 2.5 day that OEX is chartering (May 20-23). Told the wife that if I didn't make this one that I would be bummed until next year. She gave me the quick go ahead (I'm a lucky man) and needless to say, I'm all signed up! Its good when you can find a way to rationalize adding a day onto your trip to your wife.

So anybody else going? I wouldn't mind knowing some names when I get on the boat. My name is Aaron. I'm going to try to talk a friend into going but I'm pretty sure I'll be riding solo. I'll be the guy about 30 with the grin from ear to ear. I know its a month away, but I'm stoked.
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