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Old 04-20-2010, 02:14 PM   #15
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Trust me it works. I doubt Josh P. would use this method with his high end finder if it didn't.

You need some water touching the transducer, but not alot. My boat, knock on wood, is pretty dry, so I add a cup or so once I'm ready to turn it on.

I can't speak for other yaks, but with the Hobie revolution the sail mast area is very low and the water never leaves that area even when the new seaforth is throwing up 4' wakes.

There were serious whitecaps and swell on the water at 5PM on sunday and my finder never faltered. After the wind subsided, I checked the hull to see if much if any water entered and it was about the same level.

The beauty of this system is you can start with very little water. If your reading comes and goes, just add more water.
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