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Old 04-05-2010, 08:16 PM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: on the road...
Posts: 598
I'm sure due to the increased height it's a little harder to board in knee to waist deep water, but its also much more stable....I think the bigger issue with the prangler and bigger surf is the volume of water that the cockpit can hold after taking a good one over the bow, it may take 10 seconds or longer to drain out which is just enough time for the next one to come over the bow and fill it back up, can you say submarine??...

As for the Hobie launch and landing technique, I would be careful about following that videos instructions, especially in larger surf. I regularly launch and fish from other near by beach and reef breaks where the surf is considerably larger and breaking much further out, and by far the most effective method I have tried is the following.

Launch - I launch with the fins installed and bunged back, with the rudder UP!! I use the paddle to keep position and get moving to deeper water while i un-bungie the fins, then start peddling using the paddle to stay perpendicular. I do not recomend the rudder in the surfzone because it takes too long for the boat to respond if you get knocked sideways, once sideways with the rudder down and no paddle in hand to "brace" with it's all over.

Landing - Once again, Rudder Up !!!! I usually remove the drive fins completely (you have a drive leash don't you?) and bungie them between my legs so they cant get forced apart during a "side slip" ride in. If the fins get sucked down while side slipping you will pretty much get catapulted off the yak. In larger waves the rudder easily gets overpowered and turned to one side or the other while you get ejected.

Anyway I hope this helps someone, cause following that instructional video is a planned disaster in bigger surf....I know there's a few other guys who regularly launch and land hobies in larger surf.....even after the sun has long dipped below the horizon , maybe they can chime in if i missed something.
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