Thread: Making bait...
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Old 03-29-2010, 08:08 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
Yes Johnny, many regular guys do occasionally envy the accomplishments, experiences, good fortune and/or material possessions of some other guys, (or girls for that matter). I bet you are one of them.

I for one, envy the experiences and witnessed history that someone like Walter Cronkite had during his many years as a reporter. Until I became self employed, I envied the some entrepreneurs who were able to march to the beat of their own drummer as they built that better mouse trap. I also envy the innocence and boundless energy of the young and the patience and wisdom that can be found in many of our elders.

Does this make me less of a "regular guy"? If so, than I am very comfortable with that label.

For the record, I do in fact envy Josh in several ways. He gets to have more time on the water in a month than I do in a year. And yes, the guy knows how to fish. Maybe I am alone in envying that skill set, but I suspect that there may be more than a few others who are feel the same as I.

Well said.. count me as one those others.
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