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Old 03-17-2010, 08:46 AM   #10
Posts: n/a
Alright, here's my two cents.

Sometimes you get surprised with respectabe surf
at the launch. By this time you've already started to
learn to accelerate your kayak from a stand still.
Cause this is what you need to punch thru the waves
on the way out. Strength and acceleration.
Along with good timing.

Landing is another story. Riding the surf can be done
three ways. One, check out Jim Sammons video on
"side-ways" surf landings. This takes practice, but is
very effective. Two, catch the wave like a surfer would,
then lean back as far as possible while using your paddle
as a rudder, keeping your nose straight. If you end up
side-ways, then use Jim's method.

And three. I call it "Bail and Be the Rudder." When the surf
is big, and there's a crowd on the beach being entertained
by flying kayakfisherman: Put all your crap in the kayak, get
in the water, dogpaddle from the back end and hold on
for dear life while one wave breaks on you and hurdles you
and your yak in. Even if you let go, you and your yak will
be on shore in short notice. Just ask Maggie...

Oh, there's a forth. Learn to paddle backwards. Then approach
the beach backwards, giving you the option to go back out to
sea when there's a monster set coming at you.
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