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Old 03-02-2010, 09:50 AM   #18
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 3
I grew up 15 miles north of La Jolla, had my first ocean fishing experiences in the kelp there and my first skindiving experiences at the Cove and Blacks when I was a kid (in the 60's). I now live 400 miles away, but have been following the whole MLPA deal as closely as possible, as I still consider coastal North San Diego county my backyard. I have been sending in comments to the groups that will accept them. My main beef with the whole thing is permanent, forever closure of areas to recreational fishing. Why does it have to be so black and white? This deal is gonna be basically unenforceable anyway with the lack of DFG wardens and state budget, so why is there no talk of ideas like a 10 year closure for certain species, or a catch and release section, or "self-propelled vessels only fishing", or if a section needs a rest, look at it again in a few years sorta thing. Man, they do this kind of stuff all the time in Alaska and up north with the salmon/steelhead fisheries, and it seems to work. If there is indeed "sound science", it should be put to work, instead of putting heads in the sand. Paul, are you out there? Sorry, could not make any meetings, but I'm backing you all in spirit, and by e-mail comments. That's my two bits worth and I'm stickin' to it....
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