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Old 02-05-2010, 09:15 PM   #13
Olivenhain Bob
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Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
X2...what about the Mexican seiners that wrap the migrating Yt off the Coronado Islands bound for LJ and beyond. I don't think you have a view of the overall picture of what really goes on in other countries,especially Mexico. I know for a fact kayak fisherman and private boats have no impact on our fisheries whatsoever. Wrapping 10 million lbs. of yellowfin,yellowtail,sharks,albacore, and all other by-catch (yearly)is what affects Calif. fisheries. Y u so worried about LJ anyway?
Dorado, I am sure that you are correct in what you have written about the foreign and commercial fishing impact. Unfortunately, you and I have no control over that and we both know that our Government is not interested in solving this problem. No money or votes to be gained there.

I believe that you are incorrect, however, when you say that "kayak fisherman and private boats have no impact on our fisheries whatsoever". If that is the case, where did all the Black Sea Bass go 40 years ago. Why is the average size of a local rockfish only a pound or two these days when they were five times that size just a few years back. Neither of these types of fish were ever a commercial target. The change came as a result of irresponsible recreational fishing practices years ago. Sure, things are improving but we have to stay the course.

Everything we do has an impact. All I am suggesting is that we all behave responsibly.

Why am I so worried about La Jolla? That is a surprising question coming from a veteran yakfisher. To me and a lot of others in this part of the world La Jolla is the single most important fishing destination in the region. No other place comes close.

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