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Old 02-05-2010, 12:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
Good point but the bottom line is that we should never take more than we can use. If someone can consume 100 lbs of fresh fish in a week or two than they should definitely keep that much fish if they can catch it.

On the other hand, if you harvest more than you can use and a bunch of it ends up in the freezer only to get tossed out when you catch your next big fish, that is wasteful. It makes no sense to me to kill a fish and then send it to the land fill.

To me, there are two great things about fishing... catching and eating. The catching part ends when you get the fish to the yak. If you need the meat, stick the gaff. If not, take a photo and release the fish.

It does not matter if you are one guy on a kayak or part of a large group on a PB, the rules should be the same. Take what you need... use what you take. It's as simple as that.

The problem is determinig how much someone else needs. i just ate some tuna last night from this past summer. Vacume sealed and in the freezer for quite some time now. I remember putting the fish in the freezer in the summer thinking I was taking too much. Now I'm thinking summer needs to get here so I can re-stock. Tuna that is. I have other stuff in the freezer.

I just have a hard time giving someone grief about their take when I don't know their situation. They were legal fish.
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