Thread: LJ 5/1
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Old 05-01-2006, 02:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 66
LJ 5/1

Launched a little before 6 into ankle snappers, glassy conditions. Water was nasty, but got better the further West you went. Bait was tough, but I finally made 2 pieces of spanish and a smelt. I heard that there were greenies to be had at the pier. Tried trolling in the seabass zone for awhile for nothing. Heard some splashing an looked around to see an area of yellows busting the surface. Paddled that way and they went down. They popped up a little while later further to the outside, and went down. Chased them around for awhile and was able to get one cast in on their heads for nothing. Did notice that they were pushing around pretty small bait. Water in the YT area was green and I was metering 60 degrees.

A couple of sporties were sitting pretty far out to the west and I wound up paddling out that way. It sounded like the Sea Watch picked off a couple of yellows on meter marks. There was a lot of bait in this area. The depth was around 150 feet. While yo yoing in the area my fly-lined bait gets lit up, i hear a big splash behind me, and I was hooked up to my first thresher. While it was just a pup it still was a lot of fun, jumping four or five times during the fight. Gave me a nice ride and then I cut him loose to fight another day. Probably went 50 or 60 pounds. After that it was a brutal paddle back in against the current. No sign of yellows on the way in. Maybe things are looking up.

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