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Old 01-11-2010, 12:58 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: on the road...
Posts: 598
Angry Guy in the skiff ??? you mean the guy that runs over your trolling lines then yells out "say something!!!" and starts dropping a sabiki, only to buzz off minutes later to do donuts around the only other yakers out laugh'in about tip'in um over....i love that guy!!! Good thing he didn't hear about "the bite".

I was pretty happy with crowd on this bite....more yaks than boats...lotsa laughs and more importantly lots of purposely released fish thanks to your videos and reports.

In the past fishing "the bite" has always been pretty UN-fulfilling...go here, drop this, reel in this, repeat...just like the other hundred people. Next time show up without a gaff, get that 30+lb fish yakside, gently slide ur fingers behind the gill plate and hoist that sucker on your lap, pat it on the tail and then toss it back while everyone else looks at you like .

I too harvested a big YT that day, but that memory has long since been overshadowed by the look on those yellows faces when I gently placed them back in the water and gave them a little push...they simply looked up at me, mouth still open in dis-belief while giving a little half hearted tail kick, obviously still expecting to be attached to something, followed by a closed mouth look of determination and a quick burst of speed. Thanks for sharing so much more than just "big fish pics" with us.
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