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Old 01-10-2010, 09:34 PM   #22
yaky yak
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Josh you truly are my idol. Your C&R of trophy fish is an inspiration to me. I drive a long way to fish La Jolla and It has often payed off well for me over the last 4 years. I don't even eat fish, and tell my self from now on I'll practice C&R On yellow tail(unless its huge!) I read where a yellow tail put on a pound a year, thinking about these beautiful fish being as old as my kids gives me a lot of respect for them. I know it the heat of the min. its easy to land that gaff shot, I am a stone killer with the fish at yak side, but feel much regret with it dying on my deck. Paddling in with that T-shark on my deck made me feel like a heal to say the lest. Karma is a fact of life. lot of people want to know your secret for catching all those fish, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Karma. C&R what you don't need, and it'll come back to you. Thanks for the inspiration.
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