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Old 01-03-2010, 10:52 AM   #1
greenscales's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Monrovia
Posts: 116
Found your hoop last night

To the guys in the tandem OK w/the custom outriggers, I found your hoop last night in Mission Bay. It was behind the barge. Just PM w/the brand and design, then we can arrange a time for you to get it back - just let me know where you p/u your lights.

As for the crawl, I finished w/5 legals - 3 solid, 2 on the edge - most toward the end of the high tide flow. Had a few more shorts as the tide started going out - plus I felt a nice one pop out of a hoop that was covered in eel grass. The young DFG tag team wardens were eye balling me and followed me all the way to my launch. Cool guys. They were worried when there were 20 nets out there for what they thought was only 1 kayak. They never saw all 4 guys at once. But there were 4 more nets that were unattended and they would have confiscated them had they been in a boat. They were cool about my barely legals, the gauge had no play when over the carpace, which is the way to check, but I have had wardens confiscate them if they gauge can fit over at all.

All of my bugs came in on hoops that were covered in salad. No weeds/grass, no bugs.

Tight Lines
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