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Old 12-29-2009, 08:36 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: San Diego
Posts: 15
I did not have much success keeping the PVC plastic glued to the hull, that is when I decided to try the (packing) foam method, and that has been working great! I have it on my Outback and it fits in the cut-out pocket nice and snug. I transport the kayak upside down and it has ever come out. Good luck.

Semi-Permanent: I think more guys are using this method, basically it's just a piece of foam glued down to hull of the kayak with an area cut out to hold your transducer and keep it in contact with the bottom of the kayak. When it comes to gluing it down Lexel or Marine Goop works fine. The cut out for the transducer you should be tight so it fits snug. I use this method and it works great, sometimes I will have to place a little water in the cut-out so there is no air (transducers can't shoot thru air), another tip is use a little Vaseline inside the foam but water can also work as long as it stays on the packet, usually once you put it in there it stays there for a while and will insure a good reading. This set-up also gives you the ability to move from kayak to kayak whether using portable or non-portable
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