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Old 04-26-2006, 11:43 AM   #4
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
Andy, I carefully released one short wsb about 22 inches that evening.

I was out there last night (Tues) after sunset poking around, and there was an acre of bait jumping around after dark, just absolutely "teeming", with some big splashes and whole schools of shimmering silver bait flying into the air at times. (A beach house had their spotlights on). What a sight - looked like Tidelands during a solid grunion run. Should at least be some halibut in the skinnywater about now.

Very cool to watch .... but I couldn't get bit on plastic, so I broke out the treble and was able to only nail one 8" smelt?grunion in all that volume of baitfish. Not sure if they were all the same or not. This was right at high tide (key). The bait shook the hook on the first cast ops: of course, then the spotlights went out, and it was suddenly pitch black - so I headed home. Just too much bait.

I love spring cycles and have noticed this same pattern being close to certain LJ beaches over the years. It will be the same fishy deal here around May 9; the pre-full-moon run-up to the grunion run. I'll be kayaking MUCH DEEPER WATER at that time. :lol:
Larry. Hobie Revolution 13.
25 years of kayak fishing La Jolla.
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