Thread: The IPA maps
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:41 AM   #7
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 19
Here's another pissed off moment.

I've gone to the shops, I've asked around in the normal places a guy would ask around about fishing junk. The shop folk were more ignorant than I on the subject.

"Go on the web" was a common theme. The most knowledgeable folks who were coherent were the weekend fishing shows. 1 in particular, and even those guys made my ears bleed. Simple questions like what areas are being closed turned into 5 minute rants.

I'll be the first to say, that these maps were the clearest most accessible info on the closures that I've found. I think I'm talking for the majority of fisherman. It's been pretty hard to figure out what's going on when you spend a couple minutes here and there to keep abreast of the fight.
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