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Old 11-16-2009, 11:25 AM   #6
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Glad to see some heavy republican candidates coming out to clean up after the "Terminator", that guy needs to change his party affiliation to democratic liberal. Maybe ol' Jerry Brown will drop us back into reality and off the Green Taliban Wagon.

Really getting tired of this enviro crap...3 years ago it was "Global Warming", but science showed that the earth was cooling, so now it's "Climate Change". What the F is that?! The climate changes every f'n day! they pick a term to ride that can't be wrong! who do they think they are fooling.

For the past 20 years they say it hasn't rained enough in California because of "climate change"....well no crap! it's suppose to be a desert!! humans made it this way by diverting water to this desert you want it to rain just because??!! wtf?! HELLO....3 of the 4 borders are with Arizona, Nevada, and Baja Mexico...can you say D-E-S-E-R-T-S ?? Oh I know...California is suppose to be a 160,000 square mile oasis, right? gimme a break.

Ok, I'm done ranting.
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