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Old 11-13-2009, 10:28 PM   #19
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: wherever the college girlz r
Posts: 127
I will fish until I'm told not to, by a man in a boat with a badge. Then I will fish some more. I will adapt and overcome. I will not be defeated by psuedo conservationists. When/where I'm told not to, I will evaluate all angles and develop a new plan, and I just might do the same thing. I love fishing so much I'm willing to at least test the boundries out. I'll fish at night if need be. I'd rather get a slap on the wrist or a fine. Are they gonna jail me for that? I'm in a kayak for christ sakes - you want to punish that? I'm a lawyer, I'll take you on for the fun of it, out of my own pocket. And maybe, just maybe, for the precedent. I know we all have our panties in a bunch now, but when the rubber hits the road, where will you be? Are you willing to say fuck it?

Face it, we lost. Re-tool, re-fit and grab a hold of your personal strategy and get ready to live it. Attending meetings ain't shit now - all that's left is our way.

Sorry Commader Zeelagee if I don't speak for you.
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